moving on

Making a change that many people would say is ‘life changing’ should probably make me anxious.
Any life changes that are drastic enough probably generate at least some amount of anxiety.
Making this decision to begin with was both challenging and easy.
At first I was forced to examine myself and my life. I agonized over making a change to upset this precarious balance and my view of an easy lifestyle.
But as I went through the pros and cons the decision shone brightly and clearly and seemed almost overwhelmingly simple.
It was time.
In the near future I wonder if I’ll look back and regret what I’ve done. The fear of change would account for that.
But what I know right now is that I actually feel a great sense of relief now that it’s over and I can’t look back, nor change my decision.
The opportunities that I have in front of me are vast and deep with challenges that I am sure will likewise be just as wonderful.
I wake up this morning with a renewed sense of purpose and for the moment at least, a direction to head into.
A comforting thought for now.
Dad, I should have done this sooner to fulfill at least one promise I made.
We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. – Walt Disney
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. – Steve Jobs

Tools and the future cyberlords

I’m delusional or have been I think. For the first time ever, yesterday I glimpsed a possible future where a terminator/dune thinking machine scenario actually happens. It was a leap of ideas but it happened none the less. It starts with the phone.

Once again someone gave me the impression that my cell phone is their tool to have access to me. No! My phone is my tool to call others or take calls at my convenience. That’s what voicemail is for. Continue reading

failure IS an option

“I have not failed 700 (10,000) times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 (10,000) ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.” -Edison*

*Different sources at 700 or 10,000. I haven’t taken the time to really go through which one is (more) accurate*

Failure. Just hearing the word sounds so horrible. Whether it was an incident/task that was a failure or someone calling you a failure, it just hurts.

But is it really bad? The Edison quote is kinda motivational. It lends to a personal belief I’ve tried to cultivate and reinforces my happiness that I let my last regret (that I’m aware of) go. A failure IS a bad thing when you let it hold you back or beat you down. It is NOT a bad thing when you can learn from it and grow from that moment. Take what you can, whatever it is and apply it to the future. It’s that idea we’ve heard that we must learn from the past to keep from making the same mistakes in the future. There’s plenty of time and room for new ones.

I don’t hold any false notions that I won’t fail again. I could cite a lifetime of examples of making the same or similar mistakes over and over again. The number of women that I’ve dated that seemed so normal in the beginning… that would be for another article.

How boring would life be if everything were perfect and structured? Would we be so perfect and structured that we wouldn’t care? Not that I could envision how this would occur other than some kind of group mind. Even the Borg had their own problems it seemed. But in some ways like them, it’s the struggle, the journey to try and reach a state of having fewer repeat failures. I’m all fine for making a brand new smart failure. Then I don’t feel so bad.

-Santa’s Fallen Angel


eggs and chickens

That’s what I’m calling today’s thoughts.

What’s this about? Beginnings and endings or should it be endings and beginnings? That’s what. What beginnings and ends you ask. Or maybe you don’t ask. I’m writing for me anyway.

Does my past push me to into the future, whatever it may be, or does the future that I hold in my heart and mind pull me forward?

I know I am the sum of my past. That’s a given for me. I try to not turn away from painful memories or experiences. They’ve helped to make me… me. If you like the me that I am, yeah! that’s my past at work. If you don’t, deal with it. This is who you get. At least until such time that I am the me in the future.

Sometimes I wonder who I am and ponder the choices I’ve made in my life and what they mean for my future. Back to the previous idea, do I let my past push me forward or do I be led into my future? Where or when is the role for taking leaps of faith? Belief and faith are different for me. If I believe, I hold it true (or mostly true) in my mind. Let it be so as it were. Faith is that which requires “a leap of faith.” That idea that you don’t know what’s coming up and are hoping it’s going to turn out well. Many times with crossed fingers and palpitations and lots of stress.

There are parts of my past that I want in my future and I’m working to try to get those in place. I have a very vague view of what I want for my future. On a set of scales I feel I’m still at balance though. Bringing those parts of my past into the present will take some work and might be a fail but will be well worth the effort I hope. Should I be trying to clear up the picture of my future or continue to hold onto this vague idea and try not to rock the tiny skiff that I’m on? I am a pretty weak swimmer. Is drowning bad though? It may suck but it can pretty eye-opening and very educational. Maybe if I dive I’ll grow gills and follow a new path. Hey, I’ll admit it, I thought Ariel was pretty hot when the movie came out. That wouldn’t have been such a bad path if I had landed on that one back then.

I don’t know what my future holds and for right now that isn’t such a bad thing. I’m not going in blind, just not trying to force anything right now.

Perhaps one of these following pictures may solve the original question.

-Santa’s Fallen Angel